Thread Weaving

Thread Weaving

Step Number: Rank + Perception Step

Action: Yes

Skill Use: No

Requires Karma: No

Strain: None

Discipline Talent Use: All


Characters use the Thread Weaving talent to create and weave magical threads. A character can only have a number of threads active equal to his Thread Weaving Rank. For example a character with Rank 3 Thread Weaving could have 3 threads active at once. This limit does not apply to threads woven into spell patterns.


The Thread Weaving talent also gives characters a limited version of the Astral Sight talent. The astral sight provided by Thread Weaving allows characters only enough vision to see threads and patterns.


Using the Versatility talent, human characters may purchase ranks in Thread Weaving talents other than the one listed for their Discipline. These talent ranks cost the same as normal for Thread Weaving.